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On the Horizon


  • Schedule for classes will be posted as it becomes available.

  • Meditation groups will be announced when scheduled.

  • Lecture series developing.

Rev. Hoyt Robinette returns to HeartTouch
October 16, 17, 18, 19,  2017

If you are interested in a Private Reading or attending one of our Spirit Card Circles, please submit your name and email address on our contact page and you will be notified when the scheduling begins in late August.


NOTE:  Announcements will be emailed individually to each interested party in late August, 2017.  Email scheduling for Private Readings and email registration for the Spirit Card Circles will be accepted ONLY after that announcement is released and on a "first come, first served basis." We thank you for your understanding, cooperation, and support.

HOYT Z. ROBINETTE was born in Tennessee and educated   at the University of Kentucky from which he holds a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology. He first became aware of his gift which he felt, at the time, was a curse, at the age of thirteen when he was contacted by the spirit of a very recently departed friend. Instead of being aware of this as being a precious gift, he was frightened, and upon reporting this visitation to his parents, was promptly put under the care of a psychiatrist, who told him over and over for nine months that he was "having visions of things that were not real" and was medicated "to make sure it doesn't happen anymore" for, you see, it was not fashionable or even advisable for such a thing to be talked about or allowed to happen at that time.

But it did happen again-every day, as a matter of fact. Hoyt became curious about these visitations and was soon looking forward to them instead of dreading them. After nine months of having these visits he told the visiting spirit that he did not want her to come around anymore, he wanted to live the life of a normal teenager.

At the age of seventeen Hoyt was involved in an automobile accident which caused grave concerns for his survival. After six weeks in a comatose state he suddenly awoke to tell about his Aunt Margaret being in the room and what she was talking about. Aunt Margaret had been in spirit many years he was told but he was not to be put off so simply. He insisted that she was there and told of their conversations in the past weeks.

After recovery Hoyt again learned to keep his peculiar discovery to himself. It was not until he was twenty-one years old that he was introduced by a friend who was an Episcopal priest to a person who would become his lifelong teacher and the answer to all these questions he had held so long: Reverend Bill D. English.

He and Rev. English studied together every day from that day forward. It was at Rev English's biding that Hoyt started "sitting" and studying for what was to become his greatest and most fulfilling gifts: Trumpet Mediumship, Spirit Card Writing and Spirit Pictures On Silk. It was a natural progression on this path of development that he should discover that he too could allow spirit to speak to him and then, ultimately, that he would, using the trumpet, allow spirit to speak through him. Hoyt was trained and ordained by the Universal Spiritualists Association.

CLAIRAUDIENCE: Clear-hearing or soul-hearing; the ability to hear with the spirit ear the voices of those who have made the change called death.

SPIRIT CARD WRITING: We sit in silence and Rev. Robinette puts into a small light-tight basket, a lot of markers, pencils, crayons and other writing utensils. He then invites a new seeker to open a package of blank index cards which Hoyt layers in the basket. The basket is closed, set aside in clear view, and Hoyt, blindfolded, then begins announcing to each of us who in spirit is with us, along with a personal message. When each individual has been addressed, the cards are ready. Hoyt opens the basket and reveals a "precipitated   card" for each attendee (the remaining cards are blank). Printed names from those who are with each in spirit are on one side and a beautiful, unique portrait is on the other side.  Truly amazing.

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