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​​Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do to prepare for any of the sessions?

Drink plenty of water. It is important to be fully hydrated; this will allow your muscle testing to be clear and strong. During most sessions gentle muscle testing will be needed. Coming into the session with an attitude and intention of wanting positive change and being ready for positive change is also important. It's important to be clear on what issue you want to work on during the session and if you have an idea of how your issue is serving you or what you're learning as a result of the issue, this will rapidly accelerate the pace of your session.


How many sessions will I need?

A lot of work can be covered in a short amount of time.  The amount of sessions needed will vary from person to person on what they want to accomplish. Many times clients will experience a shift within one session, however sometimes the limiting belief systems around the issue are more complex and need deeper belief work done over a few sessions to achieve their desired change. To determine how many sessions you will need ahead of time would really depend on the negative subconscious belief systems attached to your issue and how fast they reprogram into positive and empowering ones. [ThetaHealing®]


What to Expect During a Reiki Healing Session?

You will be asked to lay down on a massage table. You will be fully clothed except for your shoes. You may also be asked to remove or loosen your belt so that your breathing is not restricted in any way. It is best to choose loose-fitting garments to wear on the day of your appointment. Wearing natural fabrics is best (cotton, wool, or linen). You may also be asked to remove any jewelry (rings, bracelets, pendants, etc.) prior to the session, so consider leaving these items at home.

During the energy session the practitioner will place his hands lightly above or on different parts of your body. Some  practitioners will follow a predetermined sequence of hand placements, allowing their hands to rest on each body placement for 2 to 5 minutes before moving on to the next. Empathic energy practitioners will freely move their hands in no particular order to the areas where they "feel" energy is most needed. Some practitioners do not actually touch their clients. Instead, they will hover their lifted palms a few inches above the reclined body. Either way, energies flow where they are supposed to. Intuitive energy automatically flows where the imbalances are in your body regardless of where the practitioner's hands are placed. [Reiki]

What is Healing Touch?

Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Healing Touch is a biofield (magnetic field around the body) therapy that is an energy-based approach to health and healing. Healing Touch uses the gift of touch to influence the human energy system, specifically the energy field that surrounds the body, and the energy centers that control the flow from the energy field to the physical body. These non-invasive techniques employ the hands to clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields, thus affecting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. It is based on a heart-centered, caring relationship in which the practitioner and client come together energetically to facilitate the client's health and healing. The goal of Healing Touch is to restore balance and harmonies in the energy system, placing the client in a position to self heal. [HEALING TOUCH PROGRAM™]

What are some results of Energy Therapy?

Energy Therapy releases tension and everyday stress that makes you feel tired, burned out, and overwhelmed. It creates a renewed sense of vitality and supports healing on all levels—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.  Energy Therapy brings balance to your life, allowing you to enjoy a clear sense of purpose and direction. A session leaves you with a deeply relaxed and calm state of being.


Who can benefit from an energy treatment?

The gift of increased energy and vitality can be extended to anyone. It doesn't matter what a person's gender, race, intelligence, or financial status is.

Can energy work be used with other therapies?

Yes, It can be combined with other complementary therapies very successfully as it will enhance their effects. It can also be used to complement the health care you receive in hospitals or other health care providers, pre and post operative.


When I have a distance session what do I need to do?
First, you are energetically in the company of the practitioner.  At the pre-arranged time, and the agreed upon length of the distance session, you should be relaxing on your own in a quiet environment and free of interruptions. If you are having a distance healing have some good quality water handy. 


How will I feel after the Distance session? 

Again this will depend on the individual. You might feel as if a great weight has been lifted from you shoulders and bursting with energy. Or on the other hand you could feel very tired and sleepy. While asleep, your mind and body are able to continue the healing process more effectively with the conscious mind out of the way.  You may notice nothing at the time and over time come to realize subtle changes in you, around you.

Is there anything else I can do for my health?

Yes, of course! Self-care is very, very important. You should pay attention to your diet, exercise regularly (even daily walks do wonders), relax, meditate, do yoga, do imagery exercises...educate yourself, experiment and find out what is the best for you. Healing through a meditation process promotes physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being through the Creator with focused prayer.


How can the Universal Sphere help me?

The Universal Sphere allows you to resonate with the Perfect Universal Resonance, which reawakens you on all levels to your inherent perfection, which can result in:

  • Greater understanding of who you are

  • Healing on the levels of mind, body, & spirit

  • Living a more heart-centered life

  • A greater experience of peace that comes from a greater connection to Source

Although each session is approximately 30 minutes, clients have reported lasting benefits long after the session is over such as:

  • Inner Calm

  • Balanced Chakras and Energy

  • Physical and Energetic Healing

  • Emotional Healing and Mental Clarity

  • Spiritual and Self-evolution and Healing

  • Reduced Fear

  • Activated Energy

  • Heightened experience of the 6 senses

The Universal Sphere can benefit humans, animals, plants, homes, and businesses. It can be facilitated in person as well as at a distance with equal effectiveness.


How does the Universal Sphere benefit my Business?

In today’s world we see so many businesses working harder to be successful due to our current economic conditions, and many have been failing using old models for successful business development.
The Universal Sphere can be used to enhance your business by infusing the Perfect Universal Resonance into the concept of your business itself or into the physical location out of which your business operates. Bringing in the energetic vibration of perfection, allowing all that exists within your business to be infused with this resonance can potentially manifest greater success on all levels.

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is a sleep-based meditation technique that facilitates freedom from limitations of the past, stress about the present and worries about the future. Yoga Nidra can be practiced at any time of the day, preferably two hours before or two hours after a meal. It is best to listen to a teacher guiding Yoga Nidra in person.  Yoga Nidra can be done in savasana pose — simply lying on your back — or right side laying for pregnancy, snoring, or coughing. It can also be done seated as for meditation. It is best to practice on the floor on a mat or blanket, rather than on bed or couch, where the state of sleeping lingers. Make sure the body feels supported, comfortable and warm. You may like to place a cushion under the knees and a towel folded to 1 or 2” under the head, rather than a pillow, for proper alignment of the spine. Use an eye pillow if you like and cover up with a blanket. Practice is in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. Through the use of breath awareness, body scanning, and guided imagery,  these guided relaxations help alleviate not only muscular tension, but also mental and emotional stress--the perfect antidote for the demands we face in our time of frantic pace and nervous system over-stimulation. The practice of Yoga Nidra transfers you to a state of harmony, health and well-being.   [Yoga Nidra


How will Yoga Nidra help me?

Research indicates many physical and psychological benefits of Yoga Nidra practice. Yoga Nidra enhances our ability to act effectively under high degrees of stress, and Increases concentration.  It alleviates symptoms of many psychological & physical conditions including anxiety, panic, depression, and chronic pain; decreases negative mood and perceived stress, Improves social functioning; decreases chronic care visits to health care centers.  Yoga Nidra enhances self-efficacy, including recognition of the value of self-care to improve health and well-being.  Yoga Nidra is also one of the best insomnia cures.


What is Neuro-Linguistic Programing™?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ was specifically created to open us to facilitating change,  creating new ways of understanding how verbal and non-verbal communication affect the human brain. As such it presents us all with the opportunity to not only communicate better with others, but also learn how to gain more control over what we consider to be automatic functions of our own neurology. NLP studies the structure of how humans think and experience the world. Obviously, the structure of something so subjective does not lend itself to precise, statistical formulae but instead leads to models of how these things work. From these models, techniques for quickly and effectively changing thoughts, behaviors and beliefs that limit you have been developed. [NLP]

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