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"Love is the threshold where divine and human presence ebb and flow into each other."


                                                  ~ John O'Donohue  

                                                   Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom






"As I pray for others, I am richly blessed.  As I bear witness to Truth for others, I cannot help but experience its power myself.  Prayer awakens in me a profound knowing of the infinite power and presence of God.  When I affirm another's prosperity, my assurance in Spirit's infinite supply is deepened.  As I bless those who may have hurt me, I reinforce the healing power of grace and forgiveness in my life.  As I hold in consciousness another's wholeness and well-being, I recognize the strength and vitality of God in me.  As I faithfully proclaim another's joy, my own heart is opened to receive it.  As I pray for others, I recognize more fully the rich bounty of my own existence, and I am blessed."         

                                                                                                                         ~ DAILYWORD: A Unity Publication 


Archive:  Monthly Inspirations

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