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Energy Therapy Modalities

Through the use of traditional and energetic methods, the release of physical, emotional and mental blocks to wellness ~ of body, mind, and spirit ~ are facilitated manifesting health, balance, success, and abundance in your day-to-day living.  These are several of the techniques we practice that are just as effective in our office or via long distance healing: 

Energy Therapy

Energy therapy is the gentle art of clearing cellular memory through the human energy field promoting health, balance and relaxation. Energy therapy is based on the concept of connection between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms of our lives found in many holistic healing methods. It uses focused healing energy to clear blocks that accumulate in the body hindering the natural flow of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy. This healing focus promotes personal empowerment, self-healing and spiritual growth. 

During an energy session, suppressed emotions are released without the client having to remember the actual stressful event that caused the energy block. It is a safe, gentle, supportive method that can be used to release negative patterns of the past and help to empower and bring balance to your life. It is an extremely effective healing modality that releases stress, feelings of being overwhelmed, and negative emotions.



This "hands-on" technique may also be be facilitated from a distance if the client is unable to be present in person. Fully clothed, the person receiving a treatment may experience heat or tingling sensations, while others may not sense anything at all. The energy itself will journey wherever it is needed throughout the body. A truly wonderful aspect about this process is the fact that you can never receive too much energy or have it administered incorrectly. This is a “do no harm” treatment that is totally non-intrusive. Reiki energy facillitation is truly limitless, and its benefits work on not only the physical level, but also on the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the client. Those benefits range from stress relief to facilitating recovery from long-term illness. Reiki can be used before and after chemotherapy or radiation treatments, and thus works well with both complementary and traditional medicine.



​​​​​​​Founded by Vianna Stibal, ThetaHealing®​​​​​​​ is a gentle yet powerful technique; a process of engaging the subconscious through the Creator of All That Is, to effect and witness healing and change.  Meditational in nature, practitioner and client enter a Theta brain wave state automatically during each session where physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues—ailments, illnesses, feelings and beliefs—are  able to be transformed in an instant.   Physical ailments can be cleared by simply changing our beliefs, one of the most powerful aspects of  ​​ThetaHealing​®

During your ​ThetaHealing® session old outdated beliefs that are no longer serving you are cleared and replaced  with beneficial ones - through the Theta brain wave. This therapy is helpful for releasing fears, resolving past issues, releasing physical imbalances, releasing subconscious limiting beliefs, experiencing unconditional love and reconnecting to your higher self.  ThetaHealing® is best known for the Belief and Feeling Work on all four levels; Core, Gene, History, and Soul. With growing scientific evidence that toxic emotion can contribute to disease and the awareness that emotions, feelings and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon our physical health, there is increasing interest in changing how the mind influences the body to create optimum health. Belief and Feeling Work empower people with the ability to remove and replace negative emotions, feelings and thoughts with positive, beneficial ones. ThetaHealing® can be most easily described as an attainable miracle for your life.

Universal Sphere®

The Universal Sphere® is a process that aids you with your "Top of Mind" problems/challenges and "Below the Surface" issues healing, shifting, and bringing the perfection of Universal Energies into your life easily, increasing your manifestation of:

  • Improved outcomes to events and situations in your life

  • New solutions to challenging problems

  • Improved relationships

  • Greater inner Peace every day

  • Support in living a more heart-centered life 

  • Clarity to make wiser decisions

  • Healing on multiple levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual light bodies

  • Easier connections to and expression of Unconditional Love

  • Greater connectedness to your Higher Self

  • Expansion of consciousness into the Unified Field

  • Deeper relaxation

  • MORE!

We suggest bundles of Spheres instead of single ones where possible as the results are often more significant.  The Spheres are creating a vibrational shift in you, opening your soul to a "buffet of choices" through unlimited higher dimensional energy and infinite possibilities.  More spheres often help with greater shift in your vibrational energy.  

The Universal Sphere® can benefit humans, animals, plants, homes, and businesses. It can be facilitated in person as well as at a distance with equal effectiveness.  For scientific evidence of the Universal Sphere visit: 


Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is simple to practice and profound in impact.  It is a sleep-based meditation technique that uses a series of body, breath, and awareness techniques to facilitates effortless disengagement from the THINKING mind--entering into the space between waking and sleeping. Yoga Nidra releases the healing potential of the body by removing the mind--as in sleep. It is designed to reconnect us with the feeling body enabling entry to the be-ing state and influencing shifts from that state of be-ing.  It assists in self-realization by allowing the experience of the SELF BEYOND THE MIND. Additionally, Yoga Nidra allows the body to deeply restore itself and balance excess stress by combining the benefits of meditation, relaxation, and intention.  It allows you to influence the seen from the unseen by effortlessly taking you to a deep relaxation where you can change your relationship to pain, stressful situations, habits, and your relationship to your Self.

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