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Inspiration Articles

What makes the Universal Sphere different from energy modalities?

The Universal Sphere is vibrational and not an energetic structure so it can be done as many times as liked for healing, financial situations, relationships, life situations, animals, and so much more.  The Universal Sphere is a tool to help access more possibilities and solutions that you have ever accessed before in your life; to rapidly connect you with your multidimensional self; to help you access the Unified Field, the Field of Infinite Possibilities and Solution Energy that is always present.

The Benefits of the Universal Sphere

When you receive a Universal Sphere you are essentially energetically bestowed a universal vibration which is like presenting a "buffet of choices" to your soul opening up to new possibilities that you never thought of to now come into your life to help with inspiration, direction, support with your challenges or your situations.  In addition, more benefits manifest as the Universal Sphere entrains your physical and energy bodies with the perfection of All That Is.  For one, your chakras align as you will see in the scientific studies on our website (universal-sphere-scientific-evidence). Another benefit:  Most people experience calm, centeredness, and profound relaxation.  This opens you up to synchronicities, answers, pathways, and solutions.

     There are many on the planet at this time who would like to learn to work with energy's beyond for they feel it's a mystery and beyond their grasp and beyond their reach to be able to embody the power and the glory of the dimensions beyond.  There are many who hold themselves back; who say "I don't want to be a healer, and that's not my job, that's not my pathway." Yet they still want to work with some of these beautiful, non-physical energies.  We would say that a great pathway for that is the Universal Sphere.  Why is this?  Because there isn't a lot of belief system around this.  There isn't a lot of history or lore or lineages that allow people to feel right or wrong or good or bad about it.  Once somebody knows how to work with the energies of the Universal Sphere, which are of the universe, they themselves are empowered to use it as they wish.

The idea that it steps beyond lots of rules and have-to's, that it has to look this way and be this way, and you have to move your hands in a particular direction, or your mind needs to be in the right place, or your energy needs to be in the right place, none of that matters.  When you're working with the energies of this Universal Sphere you are working with the energies of the universe, the energies of "All That Is," and within that space it need not be defined as a particular thing, a way you do it, a way you don't do it, where you should use it, where you shouldn't, what state of mind you have to be in, or what state of mind you shouldn't be in, none of that matters.  What you're really doing, at the core is connecting to the field that is the foundational energy, that you are already within.

     You're creating that conscious connection to the field of perfection, the "Perfect Universal Resonance," and allowing yourself to expand energetically to the place where you are interfacing with that pure divine energy.  As you do and begin to share it as you do in this very easily accessible experience of the Universal Sphere, you can begin to transform your life, and you are actually doing it because you are beginning to vibrate in a more close connection, a closer resonance, with your inherent vibration adn the "Perfect Universal Resonance" of All That Is.  As many of you know, the closer you get to source, the simpler things are.  It's down in this dimension (3rd dimension) where things get very complex with rules and "do's and don'ts", but the further away you get from this dimension and you mover closer into the perfection of All That Is, things get very simple.  It is that energy that is infused into this Universal Sphere.

It can be used by each individual person in their own life and for the life of anyone they choose to offer one to.  It can be brought into all the structures that you live and work in, such as your home or your office.  It can help animals in you life.  It can help situations, because ultimately what you're doing is not trying to be the god in your life to affect (a particular) outcome, but to infuse this energy which allows a greater level of flow.  That greater level of flow is achieved and then one could say "healing" or "ease" has resulted from it.  Does this make sense?

     What is desired at this time also, for those who reach out for some support for themselves, something they can use all the time, is that this energy is accessible to everyone.  It matters not whether somebody is a child, a teenager, an adult, a grandparent.  People can use this in their life whether they view themselves as a healer or light worker or not.  For one does not need to go out and use this in a way that is in exchange as a practitioner would do.  The beauty of this is that the Universal Sphere is in the hands of each and every person on the planet, including the children, including the seniors, including the accountants, the doctors, the lawyers and the city clerk's, begins to shift consciously the vibration of all that's in and around.  To begin to bolster, to begin to heal, to begin to trust in the ease and the flow and the connection.  It creates synergy.  It creates synchronicity because it opens up constricted energy to allow the natural flow to take its course more easily.  the beauty and the grace of the Universal Sphere is its simplicity, its ease of learning, and is the ease of sharing.

The light of the world increases as more and more people connect with the Universal Sphere, and begin to use this exquisite energy flow in their lives.

Experiential workshops now forming. Check them out at "Services"-"Programs" page.



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